Friday, December 31, 2010

Honeymoon at Tanjong Jara Resort

Diam tak has been 3 months and 5 days since we got married. Kejap je kn? Lama la pulak tak update this blog....super busy since we got bck to work :). So as promised in my last's some snapshots during our honeymoon in Terengganu.

On Oct 5, kitaorg shoot terus ke Dungun heading to Tanjong Jara Resort. What? Tak pernah dgr ape itu Tanjong Jara Resort (TJR)?? Ooo....Phuket, Bali, etc....sume korang tau. The jewel in our own beautiful country pun korang tak nak amik tau ye?hehe....sory, emo lak. Actually ramai yg tanye why kitaorg tak pegi oversea for our honeymoon. Sbnrnye terpulang la pada niat masing2....for us, we just wanted to spend time together...just the 2 of us. Kang kalo pi tmpt br, i'm sure nk kena pi sight-seeing la, shopping la....last2 penat. Lgpun takat nk pi Bali @ Phuket tuh, bila2 masa blh pi kn? Anyway....bck to our honeymoon trip. Here are some of the photos....enjoy :)
                                                              Pushing off to Terengganu 

                         of course kena singgah Tong Juan in Chukai for the yummy stuff Crab!!

perghh....mmg jauh perjalanan kitaorg (and yes, we drove there) but alhamdulillah, ptg dlm kul 3pm (lebih kurang la...) kitaorg smpi. It was breath taking.....teramat cantik tmpt tuh. Smpi2 je, kitaorg disambut mcm VIP. The check-in was smooth....just masa nk gi bilik tuh jauh ckit. But the surrounding view make up for the long walk :)

Bila diaorg tau yg we're on our honeymoon, we got upgraded to 'Serambi Room' from 
'Bumbung Room' ;).  Sama je rupa but this is bigger and ade balcony.... 

Our room :) #704

at the steps of our room...

the scenery is just breath-taking :)

at the Spa

the pool sgt cantik....and the fact tht time nih tgh season tak ramai org....
made it even more sweeter ;) hehe

it's right across of our room....facing the endless sea
the whole stretch of beach is only for us.....x pyh nk segan2...hehe
Masa kat TJR nih, we took a full boarding pckg.....means termasuk skali dgn breakfast, lunch & dinner sepanjang our 3 days 2 nights stay kat ctuh. Mmg tak pyh susah2 cr tmpt nk makan....we hardly even leave the hotel area...sumer ade kat ctuh. The foods was oh-so-delicious!! Chef Anne kat restoran 'Di Atas Sungei' deserves a hats off la.....tak main la pakai menu, we can order anything tht our hearts desired :). And i canstill remember the dessert tht she had made for us....Lava Cake.....just typing this dh rasa mcm meleleh je air liuq nih...haha!

Anyway....all good things must come to an end. Lps lunch, kitaorg checked-out and heads towards K. Terengganu. Kitaorg duk kat Riyaz Heritage Hotel & Spa. Another hotel yg sgt best....nk gi maner2 dlm resort tuh, we're chauffered....naik the electric car. We did some shopping kat Pasar Payang....beli buah tangan utk folks back home.

kat depan our duplex...very nice

Lps KT, kitaorg teruskn perjalanan utk ke Taiping (kg. syed). It was the looooooongest drive i had ever experienced......kitaorg ikut Jeli thn potong ikut this long and winding stretch of road (tak ingat ape nama jln tuh). Tau2 je, aku terbaca signboard "Anda kini berada di puncak Banjaran Titiwangsa"....humang aih!! Tak payah susah2 jadik reccers...dh naik gunung dh...haha!

After dh lepak kat Taiping, br la kitaorg blk ke Bangi. So, if you had asked me now....would you have gone to Bali instead of tht tiring road trip? I would take the roadtrip with my hubby all over again, anytime! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


      Alhamdulillah.....dh 38 ari aku slamat menjadi isteri kepada Syed Abdul Rahim :). Everything went zooming by.....cepat tul masa berlalu. Syukur sgt sumer majlis selamat dilangsungkan....Nikah was on Sept 25, right after maghrib. Dgn 2 kali lafaz (w'pun actually just sekali shj....long story), kami selamat diijabkabulkan.

with my makeup artist.....abg buyz

after 6 years, we're now inseparable...

Then, the next day....Sept 26, was my reception kat Dewan Seri Melati, Putrajaya. Alhamdulillah....ramai tul org2 yg dtg. We were so thrilled to see at 1 point of time.....dewan tuh jd penuh sgt. We had everyone tht we've known thru our life, kawan sek. rendah, kawan sek. menengah, kawan masa diploma, kawan masa degree, kawan2 from K2.....sronok sgt :)

my beautiful pelamin....suka sgt ;)

 my frenz from MGSS....

My best buddies from UPM....

My buddies from K2....korang mmg bestlah!

My family

The following weekend, Oct 2 lak was reception belah lelaki. The reception was held at Maktab PDRM in Cheras. Ramai giler family Syed nih rupenye.....up till now i lost track who's who...hehe...

As we're entering the hall....

Pelamin with fresh flowers...


On Oct 5 lak, we went straight for our honeymoon destination....Tanjong Jara Resort, which i will tell more in my next blog ;).

Note: Sampai skrg ni kn.....kitaorg still mcm x percaya yg we're married. After all the things tht we had went thru together....dr mula2 kawan for 2 years, sampai jd couple for another 6 years....finally, kami di satukn dgn restu both families :).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Maher Zain

Found out about this singer, Maher Zain. I am so touched by his music videos....the lyrics and melodies that he wrote are just simply beautiful. It tells u the real struggle of our Muslim brothers and sisters out there, in the real world. May his message of Islam being a peace and lovable religion...reached out and touch the heart of millions....Insya-Allah...

Here's a lyric of one of my fav song 'Insha Allah': Maher Zain - Insha Allah

Every time
You feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost and that you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless you can't see which way to go
Don't despair
And never lose hope
'Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah
Insha Allah
Insha Allah
You'll find your way

Every time
You commit one more mistake
You feel you can't repent and that it's way too late
You're so confused
Wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full shame
But don't despair
And never lose hope
Coz Allah is always by your side


Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Ya Allah
Guide my steps, don't let me go astray
You're the only one who can show me the way
Show me the way
Show me the way
Show me the way

We'll find the way

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wedding Card - Part II

For the past 1 month....we've started distributing our cards :). turned out really nice! And we've been receiving compliments after compliments for it. Even ade yg duk call and sms, nk tanye kat mane kitaorg wat card tuh....i really like the card. Its elegant but yet simple.....just like us ;) hehe....

Anyway, here's a look at our wedding card....

Cover of the card

My side of the card

Syed's side of the card

All good things come in a bundle....

Hmm...lama tak update blog. Byk sgt benda yg took place...after one and another. And by the end of the day...i was just too damn tired to look at the blog.

But anyway...time to update coz lagi 14 my BIG day :)!! hehe....kejap je masa berlalu kn? Good news no. 1.....Some time in early July, kitaorg menerima kehadiran "insan" baru in our life...hehe...relax! not a baby ...well, not yet anyway :). But we've got our new Chevy Cruze!! Dh dekat 3 bulan pakai keta ni dh and we're loving every single day of it. I think we had made a good choice :). So skrg nih, aku dgn syed gilir2 pakai keta tuh. During workdays, i'll be using the Cruze and dia pakai Atos. Weekends lak tgk lah....sometimes Syed pakai :). 

Good news no. 2.....Starting Sept 1, 2010 arituh....i was promoted as the new Recruitment Supervisor :). kata, nih la rezeki org nk kawin. With the new job, i have a very heavy responsibility.....i have my work planned out for me already. To tell you the truth, it has been pretty tough in the last 2 weeks....but have to stay strong and show them i'm capable of being a leader.

So...that's about it for now. Stay tuned for my updates on my wedding preparations....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hapuskn Denggi!!

      Dh lama tak ber'Blog'in.....been away for quite a while.....15 days to be exact!
Sume gara2 si bedebah AEDES!!
I was diagnosed with Dengue Fever on July 21 at Prince Court Medical Centre.
Patutnye arituh i was supposed to go for my endoscopy procedure but the night before i had a highfever.
Pg tuh ms nk drive tuh KL, pinggang nih punye la skt......mcm nk patah dh rs....all the way i was crying in the car coz menahan sakit.
Surely driver kiri kanan ikutaku psycho...haha!!

Sampai2 kat PCMC, aku dh x blh blah....while waiting for the procedure to be done....i was already shaking uncontrollably.
Bila Dr. Wendy dtg and took my temperature......the reading went....36, 37, 38, 39, 39.1, 39.2,......and stops at 39.6 degrees.
Terus kena admit.

For 2 days in a row, my temperature tak turun from 39 degrees. 
It even went as high as 39.8 degrees. Dr. Wendy kata if it hits 40 degrees, dia nk rendam aku dlm ais! huhu...sib baik x kena.
It was quite i was told. I was delirious for tht 2 whole days :P
Tak sedar langsung what had happened @ who had came to visit me.

So, aku kena admit for 9 days and was given an MC for 6 days.
My platlet went as low as 90....Dr. had only released me bila platlet dh naik lps 150.

Nih br 2 ari aku start keje. Letih wooo!
Bt i was told org yg br nk baik from Denggi nih mmg take time to recover....and plus my platlet darah pun lum bck to normal lg....i guess tht's why i keep feeling lethargic and also slalu skt kpl :(

Anyway, updates on the wedding.....

Wedding Card dh siap!!! woohoo!!
So now tgh sibuk tulis card la.
Hopefully i can get it out (by hand or post) by 1st week & 2nd week of Ramadhan. 
Nnt i'll upload the pics of the card.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dewan Sri Melati

All arrangements for dewan dh settle.
Last Saturday dh settlekn payment for dewan, nih just nk 
konpemkn table arrangements lak

Mula2 dtg dgn mama, xde lak rs apape.
But after stepping into the hall and looking at the set-up....and kebetulan tghari tu ade wedding....
tetiba rs senak lak perut nih....adeh :P
I think its the pre-wedding jitters start to kick in kot :)

Anyway, managed to snap a few photo of the hall...enjoy!

at the entrance.....tersergam indah....huhu

my set-up would look smthg like this as well :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Going gaa..gaa over Vampires!

     I've always been a big fan of vampire stories. Masa zaman skolah dulu, i used to read this series of novel psl Vampire....tak ingat ape title buku tuh. Time tuh kira famous gak lar buku tuh. Angel....Buffy the Vampire Slayer...Blade 1, 2 & 3....are my favourite movie/TV series of all time!

      I think a couple of years back....ppl are getting all hyped out about 'Twilight'. Aku try gak la tgk the 1st 2 movies...but somehow its not really appealing. Citer dia a bit "dark" and i'm missing the whole point of it....and its just plain not-interesting :P

      Couple of months bck....saw this gazette kat Astro psl a new series coming up - Vampire Diaries. Tgk mcm interesting gak. But thn i had totally forgotten about it....until ms blk JB arituh, saw tht they were selling the whole set for Season 1. Instinctively...i bought the whole set! Long story short....I am now officially a fanatic of 'Vampire Diaries'!!! haha....

poster dia somehow reminds me of citer "Pushing Daisies"

      What's great about it...u might ask? The whole package. Jalan citer yg oriented....a beautiful love story....and gorgeous characters! I'm actually going gaa...gaa over the main character, Stefan Salvatore. Played by Paul Wesley...a new and upcoming actor. Looking at it...i personally think tht he's gonna make it BIG in the future. Gooood looks *drooling*....buffed-up body....deep set eyes (tht seems to pierce into your soul)....this dude can look drop-dead gorgeous in 1 min...and deadly horrifying the next min. Oh....and he's my age ;)....its just written in the stars kn? hehe...

*sigh* he is just so dreamy looking kn??? *melting*

      Bukannye nk compare la kn....but Paul Wesley is sooooooo much better looking than tht 'Twilight' dude. Ape nama dia? Edward Pattinson, kalo x silap. Tht guy dh le pale smcm je....and did anyone mentioned about his hair?? Its so messy and greasy looking. Unlike Paul....sentiasa je smart...huhu.....

Paul Wesley                         

Edward Pattinson

see the what i had meant earlier??? Paul is just soooo much...."yummy!"...hehe....

      Honestly, I can't believe tht I am so obsessed with Paul Wesley right now. Rasa klakar lak. Can't remember when was the last time yg aku syok sgt kat artis (besides KRU lar kn....yg tuh forever di hatiku...hehe). Luckily la my dear En. Tunang sgt memahami...he said tht at least i find something tht i like to watch :). Isn't he just soooo supportive of me? Luv him to bits :)

      Anyway, mlm smlm br je abis tgk Season 1.....can't wait to get my hands on the next season, and the next season, and the next after tht....giler ar! Oh, by the way...besides Paul Wesley a.k.a Stefan Salvatore....the other characters pun are quite good looking gak....heroin dia is Elena Gilbert, played by Nina Dobrev (sgt cantik) and Stefan Salvatore's older brother (who is also a Vampire yg sometime jd baik & sometime jd jahat, but is always looking out for his brother), Damon Salvatore, played by Ian Somerhalder (he has the most gorgeous blue eyes i've ever seen!).

From left: Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert & Stefan Salvatore (i heart thee!)

Brotherly love....have u ever seen such a good looking siblings??

      If you've not watched this series, i highly recommend you to watch this....its worth your time, i guarantee it! Have fun!!

Note: I know this has nothing to do with my wedding preparation....but, what the heck?? haha!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wedding Card

      Ingatkan nk pilih wedding card nih would not be soooooo complicated....daymmnn! was i wrong or what?? Jiwa kacau dibuatnye. But luckily kitaorg dh survey tmpt nk wat kad nih when the day comes, kitaorg just select kad yg kitaorg suka.

      So finally, that day had come. Last Saturday, together dgn Syed pi la kedai tuh in Jln Pudu (there are dozens of shops yg wat kad kat situ, pilih je la yg maner berkenan di hati). We decided to go with LH Creative. We went in, select the card tht we wanted....discuss the design dgn sales assistant kat situ, gave them a print out of the writing tht we wanted to be on the card, bg map for both receptions (yes, we were THAT ready!)....and less thn 30 mins, we were done. Dgn happynye, aku kluar dgn Syed, confidently thinking tht we had made the right choice.

      Dipendekkan citer....we went bck there today ms lunch, and chose a different card *sigh*. Susah nk puaskn ati sume org. Syed and I, we wanted something simple but elegant. X nk semak2 dgn kerawang2 and bagai. But bila aku tunjuk sample of the card to those yg i know would be honest with me.....they all said the same thing..."too simple la". 

      Tak blh tdo mlm dibuatnye. Ye la, this will be the 1st thing tht will introduce us to the world....our wedding dates, our names......after given it a deep thought and discuss dgn Syed, we had decided to go with a totally different card. Lps nih, i will only show the card bila dh siap printing....huhu....i hope this works out well....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lets Cruze....!

Chevrolet Cruze
Gotta love this car!
I was never a fan of Chevy for some personal reason.
But bila they introduced this heart just tergolek...hehe!

Nih Syed la punye kije duk ckp psl this car.
I was leaning towards more to Japanese type cars but thn bila gi tgk and thn test drive....(plus the fact tht for a 1.8cc car, harga dia considerably murah)...teruih suka :)

We especially love the interior!
Sgt mcm cockpit! 
Berangan lar jap mcm bwk kapalterbang kn...hehe

The interior looks exactly like this, cuma the driver's side is on the other side la.
Yg utk passenger blkg tu is spacious and comfy.
Al-maklum la....ahlil keluarga ku sume sihat2 dan tinggi2 belaka hendaknye.

Can't wait for it :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wedding Shoes - Part II

      Finally, here they wedding shoes :). 
I had ordered 2 of it...satu off-white and the other one is a dark gold.

Fabric: Sateen with a diamante buckle.
Nih akan dipakai masa hari Nikah and masa majlis bertandang. I had decided utk just tempah 1 je for both occasion coz both events punye baju are white but bj nikah is white and bertandang lak is white and turqoise. As i don't actually need 2 white heels tuh yg tempah 1 je :).

Fabric: Shantung Silk
Nih utk my side of the reception. My Wedding dress is in gold...but since aku tak ingat what tone of gold it is (bj still kat butik lg :P), so we had decided utk amik tone yg gelap ckit....and it was the perfect choice! Its totally gorgeous. Aku saje je tempah yg plain without any details coz every add-ons kena lar tmbh duit. I saw in one of the blogs, this lady beli kasut plain yg murah2 je....and thn she DIY it with blings2....simple but yet looks very exclusive. So td br beli diamantes....soon i'll start my lil "artwork" la :). Any ideas??

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Berkat" Pengantin - Part II

      Antara benda yg mula2 skali yg kitaorg pikir after I got engaged was ape nk bg pd tetamu as "berkat" pengantin?? Bukan la benda yg senang ok nk decide....kena byk wat observation, scouting, googling....hehe. If budget besar, senang je kijenye. Just bg kat wedding planner je pikir sume tuh. As for me, i will try to find something yg affordable but yet looks expensive ;).

      Dulu masa abg aku kawin, we had went all the way to Jakarta to get the kipas tgn and bakul telur. Ikutkn mmg la murah bt thn bila cmpur cost flight and all....lebih kurang je if u get it from here. In my earlier post, i did mentioned about this seramic thingy yg kitaorg nk beli from Kuala Kangsar. Aku ingat nk gi dh ujung bulan June nih to thn a couple of weeks ago, makcik aku dtg from JB. So dia and my mom gi lar tgk2 brg kat Nilai 3. Aku tak ikut coz sibuk gi ukur bj wedding ;). Anyway, bila mlm tuh aku blk....they had bought some samples for me to chose/look/consider sebagai "berkat". Basically kitaorg nk cr 2 type for the VIPs and satu lg tuh utk sume guests.

     To me...ikutlah kemampuan masing. You don't have to follow what's the in-trend currently. Aku lebih suka kalo somthg yg aku bg tuh, org blh remember tht it was from MY wedding :). And the most important factor of all tht u should always consider is....your BUDGET!! Kalo ade org sponsor, pun ok gak...haha! Bertuah dowh! Anyway, here are the stuff yg my mom and aunt beli utk tunjuk to me:

Butterfly box : sgt sweet....would be a good idea kalo nk letak stuff 
mcm chocs or candies for the lil' ones. 

Birds Nest : this is soooo cute! Blh ltk apape ideally would be telur la. 
I like this one....but kalo beli byk cam over my budget lak :P

Porcelain mini mug : from Romantika. Sweet and cute! hehe...same concept if i were to get tht seramic thingy from K.Kangsar. It comes with the box and all. If nk smthg extra blh ltk sweets ke ape ke in the mug kn? Tmbh ribbon ckit.....taa-daa :)

Bekas cincin kaca (dunno ape nama nih ;P): Uuuuu....ini sgt cantik. I like! You would not believe the price :). Kalo kat KL, konpem dh berbelas RM. Bt still a lil' over my budget :(. Xde sape nk sponsor kew?

      Nk dipendekkan citer aunt decided nk sponsor gifts utk VIPs! Yeay!! Lebih kurang dlm 80 org. Alhamdulillah....rezeki....kecil tapak tgn, stadium bkt jalil hamba tadahkn :)....hehe! So she selected a couple of the above items and bought it the next day. Then, another of my aunt call mlm tuh and offer utk wat candy as part of the VIP punye gifts....huhu, u lucky ppl! Candy dia mmg mantapsss!! And i had also pick one of this items as my "berkat" :)....yg mane? haha....tungguuuuuuu! So tht's one of the big items crossed from my to-do wedding list. 

      Anyway, the end of the day, yg kena live with the decision made adelah kita sndr. I'm happy with mine :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010 shoesssss!!

      Finally....dpt gak cr tmpt yg blh wedding shoes according to my size. Maybe ade yg duk wondering....wht's the fuss?? Well, mainly coz i wear a size 11 heels. Yup, u saw it right.....saiz 11 weh! hehe...

      Dh le nk cr heels biasa for my size nih pun teramatlah susahnye.....just imagine kalo nk wat wedding shoes?? Mau menangis cr. Actually sblm nih dh jumpe a couple of places yg blh wat custom made heels....but the price would start from RM450 and above. Even to a point it would cost me RM950 per pair....and i need 2 pairs at least!!

      The bridal boutique yg aku sewa bj tuh xde kasut saiz 11...tuh yg terpaksa duk hunt for it. After many weeks of searching high and low for it....i came across this ad dlm majalah pengantin about a place yg jd wholesaler utk butik2 pengantin nama kedai tuh. Its located at Ampang Waterfront. So last weekend, me and Syed pi la drive tuh the location....without knowing yg rupenye Ampang Waterfront nih ade 3 separate building. But luckily dlm website kedai tuh ade bg some landmark utk senang cr.

      So drove all the way to ampang. Duk weave in and out of the Ampang Waterfront areas until we had found it. Basically its at the 3rd phase of the Ampang Waterfront. Atas restoran Anis Sup Utara. So discuss punye discuss.....aku tempah 2 psg with diifferent design. The 1st pair tuh wat colour off-white with diamante buckle. This to be worn masa nikah and masa majlis bertandang. Both majlis bj warna off-white...yg lain nye.....masa nikah is off-white dgn gold, and ms bertandang nnt pakai bj off-white dgn turqoise details. The other pair tuh amik warna gold yg gelap ckit, coz bj for my side punye reception is gold, but x ingat gold camner. So decided utk amik kaler yg gelap ckit so x nmpk clashing sgt apape pun....material shantung silk. I didn't want to put any details on it coz aku nk design sndr ( hahaha....abis la kasut tuh!!). Saw it in a few blogs, where they would buy plain satin shoes and thn beli diamante and design it as you see fit :). hehe...

      The shoes akan siap in a week or 2. Damaged done? Tak sampai RM200 pun. Hopefully its worth it la. Besides kasut, kedai tuh supply set tanjak and samping at a very cheap price. But takde la songket Terenggani kn....itu riban2 ye. Nih just Songket pakistan, sgt murah la.Also ade bj pengantin, set bantal nikah etc....reasonably priced.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baju Nikah punye citer

      Luckily ari nih gi to Pesona Asmara to check on my baju nikah. Dh siap but they all lupe nk jahit manik. Apekah?? Blh diaorg kata yg i didn't say anything about nk jahit manik. I distinctively remembered showing them a design of baju and said "Saya nk mcm nih la for my baju nikah". Haduh!

      Anyway, it'll be another 2 mths + utk siap dgn beadings. So, did some fitting....Ukuran utk dada terkecik ckit, and pinggan lak dh lose more than an inch :)....hehe....kurus kew?? haha!! Ntah la. All in all.....i love the design and how the material falls. Offshite satin with whte and cream lace. Cantik. Wanted to put it up in my blog but tak surprise lar nnt ;).

       One new prblm.....diaorg x blh wat my wedding shoes (3 pairs) coz xde acuan utk saiz 11. huhu....anybody know kat maner nk wat wedding shoes yg affordable?? Been to a few.....nothing less than RM800 a pair!! Nk mampuih?? 3 psg dh brape riban??

      We're still hunting for baju for majlis bertandang. White with turqoise details. If by mid June x option is.....kena tempah la :P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Friends for life?

      As I'm preparing my invitation list for my wedding....kekadang tuh terlayan blues jap :P. Bukan emo, tak tau nk ckp ape yg aku rs actually. Upset, pissed, sad....sumernye all in one la. Kita berkawan kalo blh, nk smpi akhir hayat. But i guess some ppl have different opinion on that take kot?

      First skali, aku  kekadang rasa a bit bengang gak bila ade yg duk bising kat aku "Jgn lupe jemput aku tau for ur wedding".....ndak je aku jawab blk "Ms ko kawin, ade ko pikir nk jemput aku x??". ish....yg mane aku lost contact before nih, ok le jugak. Nih yg sengaja meng"M.I.A"kn diri nih yg aku x blh blah. Tetiba je dh tau dh kawin, even ade yg dh beranak pinak....and thn blh demand lak aku jemput diaorg...grrr :/ !

       Another group of friends kita berkawan, punye lar baik dgn kita. Kira "ko lah kawan dunia akhirat"....kata dia la. But nih bila nk kawin, jgn kata kad kawin....sms kawin pun xde aku dpt! Nk kt aku x reachable....handphone ade (no. tuh aku pakai since 8 years ago ok :P), FB ade, Friendster ade, email ade....ape lg alasan? *sigh* Time susah cr la aku....time dh nk idup dgn 'cinta ati'....kawan tolak tepi la ye?? Mangkuk ayun sungguh  la :P.

      This particular category of friend nih pulak....oh! sedih (bak kata Raja Azura). Kawan dh berbelas tahun. Masa nk tunang dulu....sape lah orang nye yg dtg memalam buta and teman tdo mlm tuh coz they were feeling jittery and all sorts?? Time nk kawin....pepagi buta dh dtg, melangok kat umah dia...just in case if dia nk mintak tlg apape. But did u know what happened?? Not even a smile....or a even a bloody hug did i get! Serious....smpi skrg aku ingat, although it was, like, 4 years ago. Kawan2 lain dtg nk salam dgn pengantin....sumenye happy2 giler, berpeluk sakan. Smpi kat aku....just a handshake yg dihulurkan (if u can even call it a handshake la). And there i was thinking i would be the happiest person bcoz my "best" friend of many2 years is finally settling down.....but....daaaymnnn! i was treated like a stranger. Something broke that day....and it was never mended, even till today :(

        Another friend pun camtuh gak. Ms zaman study, punye lar baik satu geng. Time xde duit, share mkn sama....time nk exam, tiru sama2....time nk gi kelas, gi lmbt sama2...pendek kata, sume nye sama2 la. And the last time i've seen her was more than 8 months ago. Bila call, x angkat, sian hang-up lg....bila msg, x berbalas....anta msg thru FB, pun sama citer....antar friend request, x diapprove2nye.But bila tgk wall kat FB, bukan main active lg! Perggghh....nih satu lg jenis manusia yg aku tak paham! 

       Not sure could just be coincident....but both friends yg  jatuh dlm category nih, seems to be working with a certain body of organization....not trying to generalize but that's the fact :P. Tak tau la kot depa pikir yg depa lagi baguih dr kami nih....ntah la *sigh*.

      Anyhow....i'm still blessed with many other GOOD friends :). Those yg sentiasa amik berat psl hal aku....sakit pening aku....and i luv each and everyone of them!!! You know who you are ;). And that's why iaku takkan mensia2kn those yg aku panggil sebagai "kawan". May it rain or shine....if you need me, just call me....selagi nyawa dikandung bdn, selagi Tuhan mengizinkn.....i will be there by your side :)

Note: Invitation list still tak finalize lg.....tgh duk pikir lg....should i @ shouldn't i be iniviting those so-called "friends" ?*sigh*