Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hapuskn Denggi!!

      Dh lama tak ber'Blog'in.....been away for quite a while.....15 days to be exact!
Sume gara2 si bedebah AEDES!!
I was diagnosed with Dengue Fever on July 21 at Prince Court Medical Centre.
Patutnye arituh i was supposed to go for my endoscopy procedure but the night before i had a highfever.
Pg tuh ms nk drive tuh KL, pinggang nih punye la skt......mcm nk patah dh rs....all the way i was crying in the car coz menahan sakit.
Surely driver kiri kanan ikutaku psycho...haha!!

Sampai2 kat PCMC, aku dh x blh blah....while waiting for the procedure to be done....i was already shaking uncontrollably.
Bila Dr. Wendy dtg and took my temperature......the reading went....36, 37, 38, 39, 39.1, 39.2,......and stops at 39.6 degrees.
Terus kena admit.

For 2 days in a row, my temperature tak turun from 39 degrees. 
It even went as high as 39.8 degrees. Dr. Wendy kata if it hits 40 degrees, dia nk rendam aku dlm ais! huhu...sib baik x kena.
It was quite i was told. I was delirious for tht 2 whole days :P
Tak sedar langsung what had happened @ who had came to visit me.

So, aku kena admit for 9 days and was given an MC for 6 days.
My platlet went as low as 90....Dr. had only released me bila platlet dh naik lps 150.

Nih br 2 ari aku start keje. Letih wooo!
Bt i was told org yg br nk baik from Denggi nih mmg take time to recover....and plus my platlet darah pun lum bck to normal lg....i guess tht's why i keep feeling lethargic and also slalu skt kpl :(

Anyway, updates on the wedding.....

Wedding Card dh siap!!! woohoo!!
So now tgh sibuk tulis card la.
Hopefully i can get it out (by hand or post) by 1st week & 2nd week of Ramadhan. 
Nnt i'll upload the pics of the card.


  1. Dugaan selalu datang bila kita merancang.. semoga cepat sembuh and berseri-seri masa weds nnt

  2. Insya-Allah....thanks for the wish!
