Monday, June 21, 2010

"Berkat" Pengantin - Part II

      Antara benda yg mula2 skali yg kitaorg pikir after I got engaged was ape nk bg pd tetamu as "berkat" pengantin?? Bukan la benda yg senang ok nk decide....kena byk wat observation, scouting, googling....hehe. If budget besar, senang je kijenye. Just bg kat wedding planner je pikir sume tuh. As for me, i will try to find something yg affordable but yet looks expensive ;).

      Dulu masa abg aku kawin, we had went all the way to Jakarta to get the kipas tgn and bakul telur. Ikutkn mmg la murah bt thn bila cmpur cost flight and all....lebih kurang je if u get it from here. In my earlier post, i did mentioned about this seramic thingy yg kitaorg nk beli from Kuala Kangsar. Aku ingat nk gi dh ujung bulan June nih to thn a couple of weeks ago, makcik aku dtg from JB. So dia and my mom gi lar tgk2 brg kat Nilai 3. Aku tak ikut coz sibuk gi ukur bj wedding ;). Anyway, bila mlm tuh aku blk....they had bought some samples for me to chose/look/consider sebagai "berkat". Basically kitaorg nk cr 2 type for the VIPs and satu lg tuh utk sume guests.

     To me...ikutlah kemampuan masing. You don't have to follow what's the in-trend currently. Aku lebih suka kalo somthg yg aku bg tuh, org blh remember tht it was from MY wedding :). And the most important factor of all tht u should always consider is....your BUDGET!! Kalo ade org sponsor, pun ok gak...haha! Bertuah dowh! Anyway, here are the stuff yg my mom and aunt beli utk tunjuk to me:

Butterfly box : sgt sweet....would be a good idea kalo nk letak stuff 
mcm chocs or candies for the lil' ones. 

Birds Nest : this is soooo cute! Blh ltk apape ideally would be telur la. 
I like this one....but kalo beli byk cam over my budget lak :P

Porcelain mini mug : from Romantika. Sweet and cute! hehe...same concept if i were to get tht seramic thingy from K.Kangsar. It comes with the box and all. If nk smthg extra blh ltk sweets ke ape ke in the mug kn? Tmbh ribbon ckit.....taa-daa :)

Bekas cincin kaca (dunno ape nama nih ;P): Uuuuu....ini sgt cantik. I like! You would not believe the price :). Kalo kat KL, konpem dh berbelas RM. Bt still a lil' over my budget :(. Xde sape nk sponsor kew?

      Nk dipendekkan citer aunt decided nk sponsor gifts utk VIPs! Yeay!! Lebih kurang dlm 80 org. Alhamdulillah....rezeki....kecil tapak tgn, stadium bkt jalil hamba tadahkn :)....hehe! So she selected a couple of the above items and bought it the next day. Then, another of my aunt call mlm tuh and offer utk wat candy as part of the VIP punye gifts....huhu, u lucky ppl! Candy dia mmg mantapsss!! And i had also pick one of this items as my "berkat" :)....yg mane? haha....tungguuuuuuu! So tht's one of the big items crossed from my to-do wedding list. 

      Anyway, the end of the day, yg kena live with the decision made adelah kita sndr. I'm happy with mine :)


  1. aiseh..dh tak surprise dh..
    org dh tau dh apa nk bg :P

  2. tak tau yg maner i nk bg lg :)
