Saturday, March 13, 2010

Matta Fair??....Wedding Fair??....

Ari nih sehari suntuk ade kat PWTC. Mula2 pi Matta Fair.....this was the 1st time ever aku pi fair tuh. Hmm, better la x pyh gi lg :P. Not worth the wait in the long que and bersesak-barak. Why?? Bukannye murah sgt pun...

I think nowadays dh blh dpt good deals via internet booking and what not. No doubt la....mmg ade yg murah and everything is under one roof....depends on what you're looking for, i guess. For instance, ade this hotel yg i was aiming for ms nk gi holiday nnt....dlm internet, it was going for RM298 nett per night. Kat Matta Fair, it was RM280 nett. So x byk beza. Lg la....if u nk beli kat fair nih, it is only available on a certain dates je.....not thru-out the year pun.

We were looking fwd for a package deal from Tanjong Jara Resort.....but YTL x bukak booth kat Matta Fair, hampa sungguh :(. So, we plan to book it later la via phone...nk kena cpt coz time kitaorg nk gi honeymoon nnt dh nk dekat dgn Monsoon Cup season.....takut fully booked pulak.The place is sooooo cantik!! I would rather spend my $$$ here, thn gi obesi yg mahal but hotel x brape best. hehe....anyway, itu preference masing2 la kn.

Thn, pi Wedding Fair lak. Not much i can say coz rata2 harga kat fair tuh sume nye mahal2 (maybe sewa booth mahal gak kot??). Kitaorg just pusing2....smbl mengumpul flyers yg byk nye :P. Nk buek camner....

Oh ya, I still have not found the wedding dress for Syed's reception. Stress gak kdg2 tuh. I told Syed yg if by end of this mth, still x jumpe bj yg kitaorg berkenan....thn kita start cari kain lak utk wat baju sanding. Not really keen on the idea....but as i had mentioned earlier in my blogs.....we, the plus-size ladies, are denied of our right to look beautiful on our wedding day :(. Aarrgghhh! Kalo aku ade duit....i would really like to open a wedding boutique that specializes in plus-size brides....serious! But ongkosnye mana mau carik??? hehe....just daydreaming je....