Monday, August 22, 2011

Ramadhan al-Mubarrak....2011

Alhamdulillah.....Allah telah pjgkn umur kita utk kita nikmati sekali lg Ramadhan yg mulia ini. As for me, this is my 1st Ramadhan as a wife and a pregnant wife lak tuh ;) mencabar iman lar jugak.

But i thank Allah for blessing me with such a wonderful man by my side and of course, my mom. Syed has been so understanding and be taking such a good care of me. Psl mama lak....seriously, aku bersyukur sgt tht we're living with my mom. Blk keje, x pyh nk kelam kabut nk masak coz mama dh prepare almost everything. Aku tinggal nk wat air je. But ade gak la time yg aku sndr masak...usually on weekends, when i have more time.

So far puasa nih aku dapat puasa dgn agak penuh....agak tuh psl on the 8th Ramadhan arituh aku terpaksa tak puasa coz had to do the MGTT test kt Prince Court. In order to do tht test, aku kena minum a huge mug of pure glucose water...weekk! skt giler kpl lps tuh coz it was bloody sweet!! But besides tht, alhamdulillah.....aku dpt berpuasa without much problem. Perut masuk angin, skt kpl tuh biasa la kn.....

Anyway, bulan Ramadhan nih besides drpd memperbykkan amalan kita...i see it as a month utk kita merapatkn hubungan silaturrahim among friends. Ye lar....before nih xde kisah pun nk mkn or dinner sama2 kn? But bila bulan Ramadhan.....ramai yg nk get together utk buka pose....ok lar tuh :)

2nd week of Ramadhan arituh, blh kt byk gak majlis buka pose with my friends....dr zaman skolah smpi lar dr UPM....

If tar with my gang from BSPM at Ben's Pavillion
: May Din, Sashi, Syed, Me & Fiella

Iftar with buddies from MGSS Melaka at Amarin - Heavenly Thai, Mid-V
: Me, Airiza, Zakeeyah, Syafa, Elisa & June

Iftar Alumni Kolej Kedua, UPM at Dewan Kenyalang Kolej Kedua, UPM
*mmg tiap2 tahun (for the past 2-3 years) kitaorg wat gath but nih yg kira paling grand la with almost 50 alumni managed turn-up with their families :)

Berbuka puasa dgn family pun tidak dilupai....both me and Syed dpt bwk both of our families (on a separate occasion) berbuka puasa kat luar. 

Nih diam x diam.....dh nk masuk 23 Ramadhan dh. And i'm already in my 35th week of pregnancy. Next week dh masuk my 9th month kena standby la....anytime je lps tuh. Hopefully aku dpt la travel to both JB and Taiping for Raya safely.....Baby is moving more actively now. At the slightest thought of me thinking about her, she will start wiggling and kicking :). Smoga sumenye slamat lah hendaknye.....

Selamat Menjalankan ibadah berpuasa, guys!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stay +ve

2 weeks ago, i had this severe gastric pain, accompanied with diarhea....mula2 tuh ingatkn heartburn coz everyone was telling me it is. But it felt more like gastric. So gi la usual the GP perscribe me with those chewable magnesium tablets and ubat angin.

Nk dipendekkan citer, i finally went to see Dr. Wendy (gastric specialist). She has been treating me for my gastric for the past year. She gave me some low dosage pain killer for the gastric...but its safe for the baby, we would always make sure of tht. She told me to try it 1st and come bck to see her in 3 days. 3 days went by, the pain was still there.

So went back to see her....did a blood test and an ultrasound scan. Surprisingly ms wat scan tuh, they found a single stone in my gull-bladder. 8mm in diameter. Dr. Wendy ckp if aku x pregnant, she would have ordered for me to go for a surgery....but since i am, so tht was not an option for now. She'll keep monitoring the stone until i've safely delivered my baby and thn br discuss about the surgery....all the while praying hard tht the gull-bladder would not get inflamed due to infections or apape. Anyway, tht was not the reason nape aku kena gastric la....but it did explained a lot why i was having a back pain on the mid part of my body. Ingatkn psl pregnancy :P.

From the blood test pulak, everything was fine....liver test was good, kidney test was great....the only thing is tht my white blood cell was slightly on a high side. Indicating tht i have some infections. So Dr. Wendy mentioned tht i might have contracted some infections to my stomach (which caused the gastric pain) and it went to my intestines (which had caused the diarhea). She precribed me with some antibiotics and charcoal tablets...and ordered for me to take the rest of the week off. So dpt la mc 3 ari.

But being me kn, the next day tuh still gi office coz dh plan for a training session...for about 2 hours. After session tuh abis, trs aku blk utk rest. Friday dpt la full bed rest but on saturday tuh, i went to give a talk to this program in UPM tht i was invited to. Dh janji nk dtg, so aku make sure aku dtg. X baik rosakkan program org kn. The organizer was very delighted and surprised to see me coz they were informed by my boss tht i was sick. And aku lak, bila dh dpt mic utk berckp, trs lupe sume sakit2....hehe....dr ms jd Pres kt K2 dulu lg perangai tak berubah. No matter how sick i get, but bila dpt je mic utk berucap....perghh! Kalah org sihat ;)....haha.....but alhamdulillah, i had managed to complete the talk within the time given. All the while, en. Hubby meneman di sisi :)

So skrg i'm feeling much better....cuma still kena stay away from very spicy and oily food. At the same time, Dr. Wendy will monitor about the gullstone problem. Aku tak citer to mama coz i don't want her to be worried about it. Ssh ati org tua tu kang. Biarlah dia sronok pikir psl the arrival of her 1st cucu nih. Insya-Allah, everything will be fine....nih la dugaan org preggy kan? Have to stay +ve, aight? ;)